Your Facebook Newsfeed is for Friends? Say waaa??

In an announcement made today by Facebook, your newsfeed will now become more focused on your friends and family and not so much on that really great cat video… Although it was a really great cat video… What is the newsfeed? In 2006 Facebook launched what they coined as the “newsfeed”. The newsfeed has come…

Biggest Social Media Myths for Business

Biggest Social Media Myths for Business

Is your business ready to take your marketing social? Fricken sweet! Social media is an effective way to gain brand exposure, promote your products and connect with your customers – not to mention gather business leads and, most importantly, make sales. There are a lot of social media myths for business out there – and we’re ready…

How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business | Social Media Meetup

How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business | Social Media Meetup

Instagram is a powerful social media platform that allows you to engage with a large audience in a relatively easy way. Below we have outlined how to use Instagram to promote your business by using the app to it’s fullest potential. If we’ve left anything off, please leave us a note in the comments! The Timeline If…

Girl Chat Instagram: Jamie Collyer on Instagram Growth Hacking

Girl Chat Instagram: Jamie Collyer on Instagram Growth Hacking

Today we bring on a special guest to our blog. Not only a guest but a friend to NeONBRAND, a frequent attendee at our Social and SEO Meetups. She is the founder of Girl Chat Sports, a niche video/podcast show targeting women who love sports. How Jamie Uses Instagram I originally asked Jamie to talk about…

6 Great Social Media Campaigns for Thanksgiving

It’s November, and that means it’s the most wonderful time of the year! Unless you’re a turkey, that is. If you’re looking to get a little festive with your social media marketing – and you should – go for it! Here are 6 ways to work the upcoming holiday into your Thanksgiving social media marketing…

5 Tips for Upping Your Facebook Marketing Game

There’s no doubt that social media marketing can lead to big-time, real-world results. And when you’re jumping into the world of social marketing, Facebook is often the most natural venue; after all, most of us are familiar with the platform, and when it comes to reaching a huge audience, no other social media platform comes…

Instagram for Business: 6 Creative Ways You Can Use It

You might have Facebook and Twitter conquered, but has your business tapped into the “picturesque” platform that’s gaining popularity (and users) at an incredible rate? Instagram for Business is one of the best tools to leverage social media in their marketing strategies. Here are a few easy ways you can give this platform a whirl:…

6 Ways to be Successful on Twitter

So you’re exploring the world of social media marketing for your business. Congratulations! [tweet_dis]Social media is one of the easiest and most economical ways to build brand awareness and convert customers.[/tweet_dis] That said, you might not know exactly how to tailor your social media presence to each platform. That’s where we can help. Twitter tips!…

Make a Joke! 4 Reasons to be Funny on Social Media

If there’s one thing we get asked a lot by businesses attempting to “get social,” it’s “What do I post?” While there’s no end to the types of content you can post (and see successful results from) on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we’re particularly fond of humor. That said, many businesses are afraid to be…


Facebook Video – New Targeting Options

If you’ve got a business page on Facebook, there’s no doubt you already know the benefits of video marketing. Videos not only get a whole lot of play (no pun intended) on the social media giant, but they also encourage more comments, likes and interaction. Facebook Video Tageting Well, now there’s even more reasons to…

5 Myths Businesses Still Believe About Social Media

From “it takes up too much time” to “no one would ever follow us,” there are plenty of excuses for why businesses don’t benefit from social media. That said, social marketing can be a super-lucrative (and low-cost) way to gain exposure and connect with customers. If you’ve ever used one of these excuses, just know:…

5 Free Ways to Boost Social Media Engagement

With so many social media users out there – in fact there are more than 1.82 billion users across platforms worldwide – if your business isn’t getting social, it’s missing a huge opportunity. But many businesses are intimidated by the idea of social media because they’re not sure how to create engagement and not sold…

Turning Social Media into Real-Life Engagement

You already know that social media should be a big part of your overall marketing and branding strategy, but many businesses get confused when it comes to turning Las Vegas social media engagement into real-life, real-world engagement with customers. You might be posting regularly and incorporating social media into campaigns and promotions, but if you’re…