5 Tips for Creating Stellar Web Content

5 Tips for Creating Stellar Web Content

In our digital world, relevant, engaging content is your key to your website’s success. That said, this is the area in which most businesses struggle. After all, you’re a small business owner, not a writer, right? Well, maybe. But the fact of the matter is that your customers won’t be very forgiving of your inability…

How to Get More Comments on Your Blog: 5 Tips

So you’ve created a stellar business blog and you’re swiftly gaining some SEO love. But are you engaging your customers effectively? A good blog can be a conversation starter and give you a touch point to your customers (and potential customers). That’s why comments are key to your blog. Get more comments! Here are a…

Underpaid Overachiever: A Content Writer’s Struggle

Underpaid Overachiever: A Content Writer’s Struggle

You’re a great writer with an enthusiasm for learning, project building and generating high-quality content that blows Google’s socks off. And you plan to make kazillions doing it. So is content writing the perfect career for you? It just might be. Content writers are underpaid overachievers who write for the love of writing, not the…


SEO 101: High Quality Content and Links

Today at Work In Progress, NeONBRAND founder Kenny Eliason presented at the SEO 101 Meetup. Attendees learned how to get their websites to rank highest on Google. Kenny broke website rankings down to a nutshell. For those new to SEO, there are two key ingredients to a high ranking website: high quality content and links. The…

SEO Tips and Tricks

SEO Tips and Tricks

The beautiful part about search engine optimization is that the core strategies never change, those being producing high-quality content and generating high-quality links. There are tons of ways to produce low-quality content and generate low-quality links, but Google is getting better and better at detecting that garbage. Your safest investment for SEO in 2015 is your…

3 Grammar Sites to Put Your Blog on Top

In the professional blogging world you can’t afford poor grammar. With major search engines like Bing implementing grammar analytics to rank blogs  amongst the good and the bad, your blog could benefit from grammar assistance. If your blog is in desperate need of editing, there are online grammar tools that can make revising fast and…

Essential Components of Effective Blogging

When it comes to creating effective blogs, many people make the mistake of producing fluff and little else, which readers won’t find engaging and in which they quickly will lose interest. If you have blogs that at most keep people looking for only a few seconds, search engine analytics will make note of the relatively short…

Content Marketing Strategy is Rising in Importance

Having a solid content marketing strategy is crucial. Although they are different, content marketing and SEO are becoming more intertwined and in some cases referred to synonymously. Basic use of keywords and pay-per-click marketing still have their place. But online marketers no longer can only focus efforts on keywords and bid up their rank. One…

Article Submission as SEO Technique – Can It Still Work for You?

Article submission as an organic SEO technique can still work, sort of. The old days of submitting articles to a bunch to e-zines are over. Article submission websites as they became much less effective after some of the more recent Google updates. There are ways to make article submission, in a somewhat different outfit, work,…