Article Submission as SEO Technique – Can It Still Work for You?

Article submission as an organic SEO technique can still work, sort of. The old days of submitting articles to a bunch to e-zines are over. Article submission websites as they became much less effective after some of the more recent Google updates. There are ways to make article submission, in a somewhat different outfit, work,…

The Why and How of White Paper Writing: Tips for Success

The term “white paper” used to refer to a government document designed to explain certain governmental policies.  Over time however, the term has come to refer to a document that explains pretty much anything, most often something that someone is trying to sell.  To this effect, it has become a powerful marketing tool in many…

How to do White Hat Link Building – With a Little Black Hat Too

I don’t need SEO! In a perfect world, there is no need for search engine optimization. That’s right, no need. That’s because in a perfect world your website would be so incredibly popular and be full of awesome content that you would naturally rank for the terms that are important to the success of your…

Building Links Part 1: The New World of Link Building – Broken Links

Some are saying link building is thing of the past, but that isn’t entirely true. In fact, link building is as important as it ever was, but for different reasons. There is a different ideology behind successful link building these days, and it has to be handled differently to account for that. Out with the Old…

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin

The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin

NEWLY UPDATED GUIDE FOR VERSION 2.2.1 Here we will review all of the default settings to use with the WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin (Version A lot of the settings have great explanations right under it, so I’ll try to keep my notes specific only to things that can’t be found on the plugin already. WordPress…

Five Keys to Successful Content Marketing

Is 2014 the year of content marketing for your business? If it isn’t, maybe it should be! As digital marketing continues to expand and evolve, it’s all about content. But developing a content marketing strategy that’s effective as well as adaptable can be intimidating. That’s why we’re simplifying the process for you. By integrating these…

Managed WordPress Hosting – Before and After WPEngine

As Las Vegas SEO specialists, page load speed is a metric we are constantly monitoring. We use many caching, image optimization, and minimization techniques in order to help load a website as quickly as possible. Google is paying attention to this as well, as Matt Cutts has previously stated. There are lots of ways to…

All You Want for Christmas is a Good SEO Company!

All You Want for Christmas is a Good SEO Company!

If you’re like most businesses, you’ve likely got SEO on your radar. But simply keeping up with business demands can be enough to keep you and your staff busy, while resources that can be allocated to improving your SEO may be scarce. If a good SEO company is on your Christmas list but doesn’t seem…

Three Ways to Improve Your Local Search Engine Marketing

If it’s been awhile since you’ve assessed your local search engine marketing tactics, it may be time for a spring – er, fall – cleaning! You don’t have to be an experienced business owner to know that there’s a lot of competition out there – no matter what industry you’re in. Employing smart, innovative local…

Get Some Google Love: Link Building and Content Marketing

If you’ve ever read the jumbled, almost incoherent content that is more than obviously intended to promote a big heap of SEO keywords, you likely already know that link-building, as the means to an SEO-ranking end, doesn’t resonate too well with your core audience. This ≠ Google Love. That’s because traditional link-building focuses only on…

4 Things You Can Do TODAY to Rank Better in Google

4 Things You Can Do TODAY to Rank Better in Google

You may be intimidated by the thought of a large, complex SEO strategy, but what are some ways you can rank better in Google today? When it comes to search engine optimization, it can be easy to get overwhelmed at the idea of creating and implementing a large and complex content strategy. But what you…

Four Ways to Reignite Your Las Vegas SEO Marketing Efforts

You don’t have to tell us; we know that marketing your Las Vegas business can be tough. That’s because there’s a whole lot of good competition out there, and about a zillion and a half directions to take your marketing. With all of that, how do you make YOUR business stand out in Las Vegas?…

5 SEO Myths You Need to Forget

Are you still struggling in the world of search engine optimization? Well, unless you happen to be programmed to inherently understand Google’s ever-changing algorithm, you’re not alone. We see no end to good-intentioned businesses that just aren’t quite able to get the “hang” of the whole SEO thing. So if you’re not quite sure how…