Guess who’s coming to Foursquare?

It may not be the age-old question, but it’s certainly an important one. Who’s using the world’s top social media sites (besides everyone)? Joining the Movement. Last week, President Obama officially joined Foursquare, the popular location-based social networking site. The White House claims that their involvement with Foursquare is natural, with more than 10 million…

Car Dealerships Use Social Media

Ditch the weather balloons, confetti streamers, and searchlights. Marketing for car dealerships doesn’t have to be gimmicky to work – the digital marketplace has changed the game forever. In the current market, buyers of commodities like cars are more likely to do their research before shopping or buying – and that research is primarily an…

Social Therapy

If you’ve spent some significant time on a comfy chaise lounge at your therapist’s office, don’t be ashamed (we don’t think you’re a nut job, we promise….). In fact, everything you learned doing couch-time can actually help you in an unexpected way – your social media campaign. Social Media Today writer Bill Rice is opening…



Peanut butter and Jelly, Sonny and Cher, cookies and cream: some things just go together. And when it comes to your business, NeONBRAND is here to find out who and what goes well with your project – with our specialized sponsorship services. Understanding the ins and outs of your business and products is crucial to…

Tweets, Feeds and… Emails

You probably thought the ubiquitous Twitter couldn’t get much more pervasive, right? Wrong! Last week, Twitter announced a new feature – email notifications letting you know when your Tweet receives a reply or someone reTweets you. What’s that mean for you? Now it’s easier than ever to keep your social media current, constantly engage your customers,…

Social Moms

In case you haven’t seen the over-crowded flower-shop windows or the glossy ads at the department store fragrance counter, you may not have heard; Mother’s Day is this Sunday. No, we’re not here to remind you to pick up the phone or stamp that envelope (although you should). We’re here to remind you of one…