The Evolution of E-commerce: Navigating the Trends and Opportunities in the Digital Marketplace

The Evolution of E-commerce: Navigating the Trends and Opportunities in the Digital Marketplace

The landscape of e-commerce has witnessed unprecedented growth and transformation over the years. With advancements in technology and changes in consumer behavior, businesses must stay agile and adaptable to capitalize on the trends and opportunities in the digital marketplace. In this blog post, we will explore the evolution of e-commerce, key trends shaping the industry,…

Las Vegas Website Design: How We Make Your Business Stand Out

Las Vegas Website Design: How We Make Your Business Stand Out

Just saying you need a website to “help you stand out from the crowd” doesn’t quite get the point across. The internet is like a city of 5.16 billion residents — so imagine living with the entire populations of Tokyo, Beijing, and New York City all around you. Multiply by 50, and you’ll know why just…

4 Website UX Design Best Practices: If Nothing Else, Do These

4 Website UX Design Best Practices: If Nothing Else, Do These

The user experience (UX) defines how and when customers interact with your website, from the first time they land on the page until the moment they convert. As an integral part of website design, businesses need to take UX seriously to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition. If you intend to make…

Easy Edit Websites

If we had a dollar for every time someone came to us because they had been hijacked by their web developer… well, we would have a lot of dollars. All too often developers don’t give any website access to their customers. They may say that this is to protect the code, but it is just…

Developing WordPress with Roots Bedrock/Sage

Developing WordPress with Roots Bedrock/Sage

This is a running document that I’m maintaining as an ongoing learning process for my junior developers. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback if I can do anything better. from iTerm, navigate to your “code” folder composer create-project roots/bedrock {sitename} *{sitename} should be replaced with the folder name for the client project cd…

The Confusing Parts of Owning a Domain

Your website is broken up into many different pieces: Registration Domain Name Servers (DNS) Subdomains Hosting Emails Registration Registration is where you essentially license the use of your domain from ICANN. Domains are registered for a certain amount of time (usually in 1-year increments). Registering a domain is similar to signing a lease on an office…

How to Install an SSL Certificate on WordPress in 8 Steps

With the recent announcement from Google that they will be requiring security certificates on websites (or face the consequences of being deemed “insecure), we have found ourselves installing certificates on many websites even in the past few days. Since we’ve gotten the process pretty dialed in, we thought that others might find our process valuable as…