The What, Why & How of Website Accessibility
You might think of website accessibility as a social issue, but upgrading your accessibility is also a smart business move. Let’s talk about the little things you can do to make it easier for your customers to buy things on your site.
Why Your Marketing Agency Didn’t Make You Rich This Year
You finally shelled out some cash to a professional marketing agency, and you didn’t get the results you wanted. Let’s talk about why that happens.
What Net Neutrality Might Mean for Online Businesses
I don’t know what’s going to happen without net neutrality, but I do know how to adapt to changes in the online landscape. Here’s how to make sure your business keeps killing it online, no matter what happens.
25 Free Ways to Drive More Website Traffic (Plus 10 More Cost Effective Methods)
With 25 free ways to build up website traffic and 10 more strategies that are worth the investment, this post is the ultimate traffic building guide.
Why Did My Google Rankings Drop?
Google rankings can drop for a lot of reasons. If your rankings tanked, troubleshoot the problem here:
Twitter Expands Character Limit to a Whopping 280 Characters!
If you’ve logged into Twitter lately, you might have noticed an important change to the size of tweets. Twitter just rolled out 280 character limits!
Why Good Developers Bill In Advance
If your app developer is asking you to pay in advance, that’s actually a really good sign. Here’s why the best developers always bill ahead, and why it’s so good for your business.
Facebook Blueprint Blew My Mind
As a long-time professional at social media, I didn’t think there was much more I could learn. The free marketing courses from Facebook Blueprint proved me wrong. Here’s what I found:
What Keywords Do I Rank For?
Now that you’re consistently doing the SEO basics, you’re probably wondering how well you’re doing. Here’s how you find out what keywords you’re ranking for.
What Page of Google Am I On?
How do you know where your website is ranking in Google? The answer isn’t as simple as knowing what page of Google you’re on. Here’s how Google rankings really work:
Does Website Design Really Matter That Much?
Good design matters, but what makes a website design “good” is different for every business. Here’s how to determine just how “good” your web design needs to be.
Black Hat SEO Tactics That Can Get You Blacklisted
Getting blacklisted by Google is no joke, so watch out for these black hat SEO tactics that can get your site permanently removed from search engine results.