How to Convert Vanilla WP Site to Bedrock (and Vice Versa)
Love it or hate it, Bedrock is VERY different than your traditional WordPress install. Here’s a way to take care of converting to or from a Bedrock WordPress site.
Love it or hate it, Bedrock is VERY different than your traditional WordPress install. Here’s a way to take care of converting to or from a Bedrock WordPress site.
When we setup a WordPress site for the first time, no matter the requirements, these are the defacto plugins that get installed every time.
Why in thee world aren’t you using Bedrock already? Now’s your chance! Get on this! Read about all the greatness that is Roots Bedrock!
Gutenberg is legit awesome, but if your theme doesn’t have the wide and full width options available, never fear. We have the solution.
Setting up a Roots/Bedrock site is very different than the normal way of installing WordPress, but it’s a million times better.
This is a running document that I’m maintaining as an ongoing learning process for my junior developers. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback if I can do anything better. from iTerm, navigate to your “code” folder composer create-project roots/bedrock {sitename} *{sitename} should be replaced with the folder name for the client project cd…
With the recent announcement from Google that they will be requiring security certificates on websites (or face the consequences of being deemed “insecure), we have found ourselves installing certificates on many websites even in the past few days. Since we’ve gotten the process pretty dialed in, we thought that others might find our process valuable as…
We host a lot of meetups (for SEO and Social Media), and we always provide pizza. Well, I was doing the math over and over and over again every time we placed an order. So I decided to make it into a simple WordPress plugin. By installing the plugin, you too can have a pizza…
There really are probably hundreds of reasons to be grateful for WordPress, but we picked our favorite five for this post.
All WordPress developers are NOT created equally. Do your due diligence and find the developer that is going to build the site you need.
After having put this whole, very long blog post together, I got to thinkin’. It would be really slick if you could track your progress here. So I built a little checkbox tracker for anyone who logs in. It actually allows you to save your progress so you don’t have to sit and do the…
The purpose of this plugin is to provide a way to automatically delete your trash at a certain number of days, over-riding the default 30 day limit imposed by WordPress. Fewer days in the trash results in a more optimized database. How to Install the Auto Trash Delete Plugin Method 1: Method 2: Download Here:…
You’ve heard all the talk about WordPress: you know it’s the tool to help you self-publish your web content and get you the search engine ranking results you’ve been looking for. You know that it’ll help you engage your customers and win more customers through online engagement. But you don’t know what you’re doing. Cheer…
Around here we build all of our sites to handle 99.99999% of all updates that come along, including updates to the WordPress core, themes and plugins. We do that by making sure we follow a strict programming structure that will comply with those updates, like using child themes and not modifying anything in plugin files. This is…
So you’re finally using WordPress – Awesome! WordPress is absolutely the best tool out there for self-publishing. Even if you’re new to the platform, you probably know that WordPress originated as a blog platform. Although it’s evolved to much more, its blogging capabilities are pretty stellar. In fact, there’s hardly anything that you can’t do…
Let’s be honest; you’re good at your business, but you might not be good at everything it takes to run that business. After all, you likely didn’t get into your business because you had a love of overhead and management. As we’ve worked with businesses of all sizes, one thing we’ve learned is that business…
WordCamp Las Vegas 2014 We had a great time this weekend attending the 6th annual WordCamp Las Vegas at the Innevation Center! Made a lot of great connections and learned a ton of great things about WordPress. A special thanks to all those who helped make it an awesome experience. Stay tuned for information on our…
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