Check-In, Check-Out

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It may not be the Ritz Carlton, but checking in to Facebook can be just as prestigious – especially for your business. If your desire is to build your brand online, you should be checking out the check-in. What began as a geographical feature – facebookers checking in to businesses or locations – has now…

Twitter or Chatter

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Sure, you’ve adjusted your business to the times and have started Tweeting. But social media isn’t just about building a presence – it’s about creating conversations. That can be tough, even for the more seasoned Tweeters. In fact, without a genuine conversation, your Twitter account may just be a stream of useless chatter that your followers may or…

To: Businesses, Love: Facebook

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We know – all you want for Christmas is a rocking horse, an iPad and some social media insight. Well, you’ll have to talk to the big guy in red about the horse and the Mac, but Facebook has taken care of the social media insight. Remember when you posted status updates, links and photos and just didn’t…

Goal! Tips for Successful Business Goals

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While there may still be a few weeks left in 2010, there’s no time like the present to start thinking about 2011 – at what that might mean to your business. In fact, December is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and assess what worked for your business and what—umm—didn’t. And since the New Year…

Social Media and Sales

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Can Social Media really help sales? The simple answer is of course yes, but probably not quite the “yes” that you are wanting. Social media is rarely, if ever, the direct sales channel itself. Social media can increase the likelihood of sales through better targeting, more consistent touchpoints and availability of information, establishing affinities and…

Breaking News (Where to get it?)

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U.S. smartphone owners are increasingly turning to mobile to access breaking news over other media, including newspapers, TV and desktop web browsers, according to a recent study from mobile app developer Handmark. In a survey of 300,000 mobile consumers, 88% of whom owned a device running one the five most popular smartphone operating systems, more…
Hire Online Experts

Online Experts

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Expertise for Hire. Whether you’re ordering a wedding cake or searching for a new employee, the lesson is simple: People will pay for expertise. Whether painting your home, repairing your car or – cough, cough – handling your social media, customers demand things done right – especially if they’re paying for it. That’s where your business and its expertise…

Black Friday Check-Ins

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A tiny percentage of the population uses location-based checkin tools like Foursquare; and in all likelihood, these digital citizens aremore likely to be shopping online than in stores during the holiday season. So numbers gathered by Trendrr and AdAge represent a tiny sliver of what in-store numbers might have actually been. The number-one store by Foursquare checkins was Target,…

‘Tis the Season of Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving often brings up images of family, food and fun, but do we really know why we celebrate Thanksgiving, and how it all began? Well here is an excellent video from that helps explain some of the traditions behind this wonderful holiday. Our Suggestion? Try to take it easy on the turkey!

Education and Social Media

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Don Knezek, the CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education, compares education without technology to the medical profession without technology. “If in 1970 you had knee surgery, you got a huge scar,” he says. “Now, if you have knee surgery you have two little dots.” Out-of-the-box teaching Technology is helping teachers to expand…