Developing WordPress with Roots Bedrock/Sage

Developing WordPress with Roots Bedrock/Sage

This is a running document that I’m maintaining as an ongoing learning process for my junior developers. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback if I can do anything better. from iTerm, navigate to your “code” folder composer create-project roots/bedrock {sitename} *{sitename} should be replaced with the folder name for the client project cd…

The Kurt & Kenny Podcast Episode 9: Coworking Cost Calculations

The Kurt & Kenny Podcast Episode 9: Coworking Cost Calculations

At first glance, coworking looks a little more expensive than renting a private office space in one of those space-for-rent buildings. Look closer, though, and the ROI of coworking beats office space…to a point. Kurt and Kenny discuss, and this week, things might get a little heated.