Easy Edit Websites

If we had a dollar for every time someone came to us because they had been hijacked by their web developer… well, we would have a lot of dollars. All too often developers don’t give any website access to their customers. They may say that this is to protect the code, but it is just a way for them to keep you from ever leaving them. Easy edit websites give you the power to make changes to your website at any time, simplifying the Internet just a little.

Once we finish your website, we zip it up for you and give it to you directly. You bought it, you own it. We hope our customers have had a great experience with us and will continue to use us in the future, but if not, we don’t hold them hostage threatening to tear their website to shreds if they don’t keep paying us.

Along with owning your website, you have editing tools that are easy even for the average Joe (or Josephine). This means you can log into your own website and edit the pages directly. This may sound a bit daunting at first, but if you can use Microsoft Word, you can edit your webpage, that’s how easy edit websites work.

Editing Tools

editing tools

Every site we build has built-in editing capabilities for our site owners. Have an idea at 1:00 in the morning? You don’t need to call us. Instead, you can log on to your website anytime and edit it with an easy to use content management system.

Website Analytics

web stats

One of the best traffic analyzers made is Google Analytics. That is why we make sure all of our sites are built with this application installed. You will be able to see traffic data, visitor behavior, and much more with our installed analytics.

Hosting & Maintenance


We know you expect to have your website secure and live at all times. That is why we offer to host your website on over 100 shared computers so that if one goes down the next one will take its place and keep your website live.

Multiple Users

multiple users

Whether small or big, your company at one point or another may benefit from having multiple users who can edit your website. Our back-end allows you to add users with different privileges which will give you the ability to delegate tasks.

Built-in blog

built in blog

The key to communicating regularly with your users is through blogging. Each NeONBRAND website has a built-in blog controlled completely by you. Add posts with pictures, music, videos, or most other media with just a click of your mouse.

Peace of Mind

peace of mind

We want you to succeed in your business. With that being our goal we do everything we can to make building, maintaining, and running your website easy. Having us as your web provider will give you the peace of mind you need to focus on more important things.