Let’s talk call to action. Let’s be honest; you don’t have a business website just because you got bored one day and thought you’d try your hand at web development.
Businesses spend big bucks on websites because they’re an extremely efficient way to market, sell, and produce business leads. Not to mention that these days, your customers expect you to not only have a website but have one that gives them the information they’re looking for.
Call To Action Buttons
That brings us to the topic of call to action buttons. A call to action is really where the magic happens on a website. Sure, you’ve provided your customer with all kinds of information – from product description to service costs to business locations and hours information. But what you really want is to make a sale – and gain a customer.
A call to action (example) is any link that invites a site visitor to do something and should be a front-and-center part of your web development and web design strategy. A call to action might be to add a product to a shopping cart, fill in a form to get news or other information, download a digital product, or like you on Facebook.
But here’s the catch; your website (and your business) must be ready to respond to whatever that call to action is that you put on your site (and hopefully you’ve got more than one; a good website should include at least one call to action on every page). That means, if you include a form to be filled out in exchange for more information on a product or service, you’d better have the resources in place to respond to that request quickly, whether that’s through an email, phone call, or something else.
Your Call To Action!
Are you ready to make your website more effective? NeONBRAND can help. Your call to action today is to bring in more business – and that’s where we can help.