SEO techniques come in all different shapes and sizes, and beyond that they are constantly evolving. Through our research, the number one thing we have realized is that with Google, quality is key.
If you can deliver a high-quality website with unique content, images, and design, Google will reward you accordingly. The same goes for off-page techniques like link-building, social media, and brand management. Unique quality content goes a long long way.
What are some SEO techniques?
If you were to talk to 100 different SEO experts, you’d probably get 100 different answers on what SEO techniques they use to find success. Although this is not a surprise since there are so many ways to help your site look and function better in the search rankings. With the most recent updates to the Google Algorithms, Penguin 2.1 and Hummingbird, there has been a renewed emphasis on quality off-page SEO work (no black-hat techniques!), and answering questions that people might ask of a search engine (think of voice queues from mobile devices).
High Quality Off-Page SEO Techniques
- Social Media! We all like social media these days, so it’s logical to think that Google does too. Posting and engaging with your audiences on the various social media platforms shows Google that you are striving to deliver quality work to your customers off of your website so that probably means that your website is striving to do that same thing.
- Press Releases. A press release can be your best friend or your worst enemy. It’s important to use press releases as a tool to deliver actual newsworthy information to the internet. Making up a press release for no apparent reason just isn’t a very good tactic and Google will see right through you.
- Videos. Creating unique and custom videos that talk about your business is a great way to deliver content to your potential clients. And since YouTube is considered by some to be the world’s second-largest search engine, it’s probably a great place for your business to be hanging out as well.
High-Quality On-Page SEO Techniques
- Content is King. A high-quality content marketing campaign will go a long way these days. Content can be delivered in numerous ways, i.e. blogging, new pages, videos, etc. You should always try to deliver content in such a way that it can impulse its readers or viewers to share it with their inner circles. It can be a struggle for many businesses, but if you can get just creative enough, that can go a long way.
- Videos. Wait, wasn’t this an off-page technique? Why yes, yes it was. Videos can also do wonders on your website as well. Let’s face it, we are more and more impatient these days and want to consume information as quickly as possible. Lots of times that doesn’t happen by sitting and reading 300+ words of text on a page, so your site can quickly be overlooked. BUT, if that same boring page has a video explaining the same thing, we will often sit and click the play button and listen to at least the first 30-60 seconds of the video!
SEO Techniques in a Nutshell
Google wants your business to succeed, they really do. They want every business that has awesome customer service, great employees, amazing owners, wonderful products or services, and a rad desire to excel (can I use rad like that?) to achieve a number 1 ranking in Google.
For some markets, this is super easy because there may not be a lot of competition for that space, but in others, it gets a lot more difficult. Just strive to make your online presence the best it can be and things will work out eventually, even if it takes a few months to prove it to Google.