This is a running document that I’m maintaining as an ongoing learning process for my junior developers. Please feel free to comment and leave feedback if I can do anything better.
- from iTerm, navigate to your “code” folder
composer create-project roots/bedrock {sitename}
- *{sitename} should be replaced with the folder name for the client project
- cd {sitename}
composer install
cd web/app/themes
composer create-project roots/sage {themename}
- follow all prompts
cd {themename}
composer install
- open sublime text project for site
- open /composer.json (file at root of site)
- paste in the following after line 33 (just after the repository for
- paste in the following after line 65 (just after roots/wp-password-bcrypt, be sure to add a comma on line 65 before starting a new line
- github bedrock add plugins link
- *uncomment the woocommerce line if needed
- save file
- from iTerm, navigate to your site’s root folder
composer update
cd web/wp/wp-content/themes
rm -rf *
- *shouldn’t be any more folders in the “themes” folder
cd ../plugins
rm -rf akismet
rm -rd hello.php
cd ../../../
(should be at root of site)git init
git add .
git commit -a -m 'Initial Commit'
git remote add origin {https link to bitbucket repo}
git push -u origin master
- open WordPress dashboard in browser
- Plugins -> Activate All
- Forms -> Enter license
- Pages -> Add New (for each page in design)
- *Make sure to create a “Home” and “Blog” page
- Appearance -> Menus
- Menu Name = Primary
- Create Menu
- Display location -> Primary Navigation = checked
- Save Menu
- Appearance -> Widgets
- Add a Custom HTML widget to the Footer and add Lorem Ipsum to the title and content
- Save
- Settings -> General
- Remove Tagline
- Timezone -> Los Angeles (unless client is in another timezone, IE Mountain = Denver)
- Week Starts On -> Sunday
- Save Changes
- Settings -> Reading
- Your homepage displays -> A static page ->
- Homepage: Home
- Posts page: Blog
- Your homepage displays -> A static page ->
- Settings -> Permalinks
- Custom Structure (copy paste) /%category%/%postname%/
- Save Changes
- open sublime text project for site
- navigate to web/app/themes/{themename}
- open resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php
- line 7, remove “container” class
- open app/setup.php
- Google Font: after line 13, inside the add_action, paste this at line 14: github Google Font in Sage
- replace fonts with correct fonts from design, get link from
- Custom Logo: after line 32, paste contents of github add theme support for custom logo
- New Footer Sidebars: at line 93, create sidebar sections for footer (probably going to need 3, maybe 4 sections depending on the design. Name them “Footer One”, “Footer Two”, etc.) New footer sidebars
- If necessary, declare WooCommerce Support: after line 39, paste contents of WooCommerce Support
- Google Font: after line 13, inside the add_action, paste this at line 14: github Google Font in Sage
- download this file and save in app/controllers/
- open app/helpers.php
- line 7 (copy paste):
require_once 'controllers/wp-bootstrap-navwalker.php';
- line 7 (copy paste):
- open resources/assets/views/header.blade.php
- replace line 6 (copy paste): github wp_nav_menu for sage
- open resources/assets/scripts/routes/common.js
- line 4, inside init() (copy paste): github bootstrap4 menu magic
- if using font awesome, follow instructions here: Use Font Awesome 5 in your Sage theme
- download this file and save in resources/assets/styles/components/
- open resources/assets/styles/main.scss
- line 20, add new line (copy paste):
@import "components/gravityforms";
- line 20, add new line (copy paste):
Other General Notes/Tricks for Building Roots/Sage Theme
- Numeric navigation
- put this at the bottom of your /app/helpers.php file: Numeric Page Navigation for Roots Sage Theme
- and then use it by replacing any instance of
{!! get_the_posts_navigation() !!}
with:{{ App\page_navi() }}