The Why and How of White Paper Writing: Tips for Success

The term “white paper” used to refer to a government document designed to explain certain governmental policies.  Over time however, the term has come to refer to a document that explains pretty much anything, most often something that someone is trying to sell.  To this effect, it has become a powerful marketing tool in many…

Five Keys to Successful Content Marketing

Is 2014 the year of content marketing for your business? If it isn’t, maybe it should be! As digital marketing continues to expand and evolve, it’s all about content. But developing a content marketing strategy that’s effective as well as adaptable can be intimidating. That’s why we’re simplifying the process for you. By integrating these…

Get Some Google Love: Link Building and Content Marketing

If you’ve ever read the jumbled, almost incoherent content that is more than obviously intended to promote a big heap of SEO keywords, you likely already know that link-building, as the means to an SEO-ranking end, doesn’t resonate too well with your core audience. This ≠ Google Love. That’s because traditional link-building focuses only on…

Four Tactics to Add to Your Content-Marketing Strategy

By now you’ve likely overheard the buzz that is “content marketing.” Sure, you know that frequent, relevant, and quality content can help attract customers to your website or blog, but do you really understand what content marketing is and how to employ your strategy effectively? If you’re just starting out, it’s good to think outside…

Finding the Connection

Yeah, we know, this year’s season of The Bachelor is over, but that doesn’t mean we’re ready to stop talking about making connections. That said, ours don’t have much to do with beautiful blondes in bikinis pining after one lone pretty-boy. After all, business is all about making connections with your customers, and we’ll admit…

Bloggers at Bat

Bloggers at Bat

We live in the age of blogging – you should know this; you’re reading one. And as the online presence of businesses and corporations continues to grow, so do the number of corporate blogs out there. So then, how to set you apart from the pack? Well, short of streaming reruns of Entourage on a 24/7…

Is It Blog-Worthy?

When asked how blog posts are created Ari Herzog (of gave the following reply: Web tools I used or were alerted to have spawned some blog posts, such as the one about the Wibiya toolbar or the other ones about Bellow and an iPhone application. Separate blog posts by Danny Brown and Arik Hanson…