6 Reasons for Creating Fresh Content (Frequently)

There’s just something about feeling fresh and clean, and believe us, your website feels it too.

Sure, you’ve created an awesome website, and you’ve employed the world’s best writers to really sell your business, but if that content is sitting stagnant in your digital space, you’re likely not getting the traction you hoped for.

If your goal is to attract more website visitors (and what business doesn’t have that goal?) it’s all about fresh, new content on a regular basis.

Here’s why new content is so vital to your search engine optimization strategy:

Reasons for Creating Fresh Content

Your site is a living, breathing thing.

Your website isn’t some old marketing flyer (at least, it shouldn’t be), so why treat it like one? Frequent, fresh content is the one thing that shows the rest of the internet that your digital space is alive and well – and relevant.

Search engines are highly intelligent and they’re not looking to waste their users’ time by displaying search results from a paralyzed, possibly outdated source. Don’t let your site be one that’s passed by.

Fresh content means frequent indexing.

Let’s break this down a bit.  Search engines use web crawlers to patrol the internet for websites.

Using the search engine’s highly sophisticated algorithm, these crawlers then “index” site content based on a number of factors. Indexing depends on inbound and outbound links, multimedia content and – you guessed it – the freshness of your content.

As you update your site with new blogs and fresh content helps these little robots index your site time and time again. Now here’s the catch: frequent indexing doesn’t necessarily equate to higher rankings, but it is one factor that plays in the ranking system.

Google likes it.

We say “search engines” generically, but let’s be honest; Google is the big player in the search engine space.

Since Google is the most frequently used engine, it’s important that you play by its rules. And here’s the thing you need to know about Google: it likes frequently updated content. It also likes frequently updated quality content. That means that jumbled posts chock-full of keywords aren’t going to do you any favors.

In fact, Google’s algorithm is intelligent enough to distinguish “filler” content from real, relevant, quality content. And it’ll penalize you if you’re found lacking.

Fresh content = more keywords.

You already know that keywords are an important part of your SEO strategy. But like we warned before, throwing out keywords in non-quality content won’t help you when it comes to your SEO rankings. But the more you post relevant, quality content, the more keywords you organically include in your text, the more likely you are to be found (and ranked highly) by search engines.

Chalk one more up for fresh content!

It makes you look like an expert.

In the digital world, being viewed as an “expert” in your field is an optimal position for your business to be in. You want your customers to see you as the authority in your field – not your competitors.

By posting regular, quality content, you’re constantly showing your customers that you have the expertise that makes you the leader and authority in the market. It also gives other businesses and entities reason to link to your site and further boost your SEO.

You’re keeping your audience in mind.

We’re focusing a lot on search engines here, but you should be answering to your customers, not the digital world. The beauty of fresh content is that it satisfied both.

Your audience wants to know that you care about what you do and, more importantly, that you care about sharing it with them. Keep your site up-to-date with fresh content and you’re showing your peeps you care.

Need something fresh? We need to talk. Give us a call today.