Kurt & Kenny Podcast Episode 4: Show Notes
In this episode, Kurt and Kenny share their best tips for telling the good guys from the questionable characters.
Most people assume price is an indicator of quality. It’s not. In fact, the quoted price is one of the least useful factors when you’re trying to judge somebody’s integrity, ability, and legitimacy. You’ll have to dig a little deeper to determine whether or not a provider is someone you want to work with.
Kurt recommends starting with a Google search. Google relevant terms and see if they come up on the front page. If so, they’re probably doing some things right. Kenny warns that not showing up on the front page says more about their SEO habits than their skill, especially for things like web development, so that shouldn’t be a nail in the coffin.
Be wary of anyone who uses a lot of jargon and buzzwords instead of explaining things clearly. Often, this is a tactic people use to cover up their inexperience or try to convince you that they’re smarter than they are. Most experienced professionals use simple, direct language to explain what they’re going to do. You shouldn’t walk away feeling confused.
Also watch out for anyone who promises results – especially in SEO! Marketing is messy. People who know what they’re doing know better than making promises they may not be able to keep.
Experienced and reputable companies are realistic about their services, which means they’re not selling miracles. Look for someone who asks a lot of questions about your business, wants to know your business goals, and then talks about the results they can deliver.

It’s All About Relationships
Every great agency has some dissatisfied clients. That’s just the nature of humans working with other humans.
Here’s something to consider when you’re choosing a provider: when something goes wrong (oh, it will) can you work together to resolve it? The relationship between client and provider takes work on both sides, and if your personalities aren’t well matched, that’s a potential problem.
Good agencies will expect a lot of you, the client. If they don’t ask a lot of questions about your business and set up expectations for your responsibilities, you’re not going to be happy with your results.
That’s why a face-to-face meeting is the best possible way to separate the fakers, the wannabes, and the people who are worth working with. If you’re not in the same city, a video call is an acceptable substitute.
Remember, too, that a lot of people who fail aren’t dishonest – they’re just new. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should’t hire them. You can reasonably expect a lower price for an inexperienced provider, and growing with a newer guy can be a great business decision depending on where you are in your own growth process.