200 Roses for Flowers on Fremont

Flowers on Fremont was a stellar success.

Another Valentines day is over and it was a colorful, bright, and romantic day for all of us I hope. But really, it’s just another marketing holiday. But thinking that way is unfair to all the good moments that couples all around the USA had together.

We sure had a blast handing out roses (thanks to Flowers By Michelle) to 200 people on Fremont St. Some people hesitated to accept a (free) beautiful rose, however, many others loved receiving roses. I’m sure that some even felt that their day was made from such a small gesture.

For those of you that haven’t seen the video of the NeONBRAND team handing out flowers on Fremont, Here’s your chance to have a look.


We gave out 200 roses on Fremont for Valentine's Day! The reactions were priceless.

Posted by NeONBRAND on Saturday, February 13, 2016

In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, we wanted to have a positive impact on our local community. Kenny talked to me asking what we should do? After the team collaborated on options, we all decided that handing out flowers on Fremont St. would be the way to go.

We began to imagine the priceless reactions that people would have after receiving a beautiful rose. It was a go from that moment on.

The next day, Kenny took matters into his own hands and reached out to Michelle, with Flowers by Michelle, to explain to her what our plans were for Valentine’s Day. She liked the concept and agreed to partner up on this mission to generate smiles all around Downtown Las Vegas.

But there was more, we wanted to make a video showing these reactions. This was a way to pass on the reactions to the beautiful citizens of Las Vegas to enjoy on their leisure time throughout the day.

The Video 

As you know, we are a digital marketing company. We got to thinking how interesting it would be for a Flower Company to gain exposure during Valentines Day.

Since we published the video on Facebook, we were able to gather a lot of data from the release. And yes, we will share that info on this post as well. There is some really good stuff in there.

Facebook Analytics for Flowers on Fremont

Facebook Analytics for Flowers on Fremont

There are a lot of data points on the above image so let’s talk about each point and its importance to how it got shared throughout the web.

People Reached – We reached 9,902 people in total (as of February 17th, 2016). We released the video on February 13th, one day before Valentine’s day.

This data point illustrates how many people saw this post on there feed. Not necessarily consumed its content. The higher this number is, the higher the chances we have of people consuming the content.

Video Views – 4,634 people pressed play to watch our video. This means that these people watched our video for at least 3 seconds, according to Facebook minimum view time to count as a view.

This Video View figure is the view count that is made public underneath the video. This helps with social proof and popularity. This helps when a new user is deciding to press play or not.

Likes, Comments & Shares – Since we have three major components on this figure, let’s break them down into individual factors.

  • Likes – We had a total of 286 likes across the board
    • On Post – 77 likes were given on our original post
    • On Shares of Post – People who shared the post on our behalf garnered a total of 209 likes
  • Comments – 18 comments were written in total
    • On Post – 6 comments on our original post
    • On Shares of Post – 12 comments on shared post
  • Shares – 29 people shared our post around Facebook
    • On Post – All shares were made from our original post. Ideally, the goal is to have the network of people who shared our post to share it as well. That is the what makes a post go viral.

Post Clicks – This the amount of engagement (action) our audience decided to take with our post

  • Clicks to Play – 171 people wanted to watch the video and pressed the play button.
  • Link Clicks – 2 people clicked to watch more call to action button at the very end of the video, which links to our full 5-minute video of Flowers on Fremont.
  • Other Clicks – These clicks are a bit obscure but Facebook tracks other clicks around the post. This could be likes, comment or shares or possibly even exiting the post. Who knows?

Negative Feedback – This is important. Sharing a post that reached nearly 10k people and not having one single complaint is a strong positive indicator for Facebook. I’m sure Facebook tracks the amount of Negative Feedback an account holder has and uses that towards their advantage or disadvantage. In our case, our post had zero negative feedback.

Preparation for The Event

Kenny had a brilliant idea that really helped propel the campaign in the right direction, since Social Media was a strong focus, he had 200 cards printed out that had #FlowersOnFremont printed on it. This was a helpful reminder for those who received a rose to post on Social using that hashtag.

Here is what the card looked like.

Here’s a sample showing how people used #FlowersOnFremont on Instagram. Pretty cool if you ask me!

We wanted to be creative and do something cool for Valentine’s Day, so handing out 200 roses was a pretty cool thing to do. We could’ve just posted a simple image with a heart, but that would be unjust to our collective creativity here at NeONBRAND.

Instead, we gave many people smiles, joy, laughter & hope. One person even told us that many people who received a rose from us was probably the best thing they would have received for Valentine’s day. We certainly hope that wasn’t true, but if it was, at least we helped make Valentine’s day a more positive day in Downtown Las Vegas.

We love our community and want to continue doing awesome things for it and those who are a part of it.